Sign Amino

A web application may also request Adena to sign and send the transaction without broadcasting it directly on Adena via the Sign method. Upon receiving the request, Adena will prompt the user to sign the transaction.

If the user proceeds to sign the transaction, Adena will return the signed transaction data on the console for the web application to broadcast it by itself.


    messages: [
            type: "string",
            value: object
        // you may add additional messages within the brackets
    gasFee: number,
    gasWanted: number,
    memo?: string



Signed Amino Model


Sample Request

await adena.Sign(
    messages: [{
        type: "/bank.MsgSend",
        value: {
            from_address: "g1ffzxha57dh0qgv9ma5v393ur0zexfvp6lsjpae", // your address
            to_address: "g122n67es9vzs0rmharsggfr4sdkd45aysnuzf7m", // recipient's address
            amount: "5000000ugnot" // sending amount. 1GNOT = 1000000ugnot
    gasFee: 1,
    gasWanted: 1000000,
    memo: "12313"

Sample Response

  "code": 0,
  "status": "success",
  "type": "SIGN_SUCCESS",
  "message": "Signed data has been successfully returned.",
  "data": {
      "signed": {
          "msgs": [
                  "type": "/bank.MsgSend",
                  "value": {
                      "from_address": "g1ffzxha57dh0qgv9ma5v393ur0zexfvp6lsjpae", // your Adena address
                      "to_address": "g122n67es9vzs0rmharsggfr4sdkd45aysnuzf7m", // sending address
                      "amount": "5000000ugnot"
          "fee": {
              "amount": [
                      "amount": "1",
                      "denom": "ugnot"
              "gas": "1000000"
          "chain_id": "test3",
          "memo": "12313",
          "account_number": "656760",
          "sequence": "177"
      "signature": {
          "pub_key": {
              "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
              "value": "A09whvkfsR4pCSEYMMt/do4mD9Zf76Dzs9/kOirITiy0"
          "signature": "rfEQWvD2aXEZsZyJ7JFxGNP0CWbMKdg+6RNULtZTMLwz3Yi+cNwYOMG5XYh10Gexj9rbpC3jI6s3ww0TyZx8mm=="


Sample Request

await adena.Sign(
    messages: [{
      type: "/vm.m_call",
      value: {
        caller: "g1ffzxha57dh0qgv9ma5v393ur0zexfvp6lsjpae", // your Adena address
        send: "",
        pkg_path: "", // Gnoland package path
        func: "Transfer", // Function name
        args: [ // Arguments
    gasFee: 1,
    gasWanted: 10000000

Sample Response

  "code": 0,
  "message": "Sign amino.",
  "type": "SIGN_AMINO",
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "document": {
      "msgs": [
          "type": "/vm.m_call",
          "value": {
            "caller": "g1ffzxha57dh0qgv9ma5v393ur0zexfvp6lsjpae",
            "send": "",
            "pkg_path": "",
            "func": "Transfer",
            "args": [
      "fee": {
        "amount": [
            "amount": "1",
            "denom": "ugnot"
        "gas": "10000000"
      "chain_id": "test3",
      "memo": "",
      "account_number": "656760",
      "sequence": "307"
    "signature": {
      "pub_key": {
        "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
        "value": "A09whvkfsR4pCSEYMMt/do4mD9Zf76Dzs9/kOirITiy0"
      "signature": "2WQXvhmVZqR1+l/16CSDBxOQupQOXTZj6aCbYtXcnOQ37nn3xVGdpdUbgkK7pbigMea138pPm+onsYkfZv1MuA=="


Sample Request

await adena.Sign({
  messages: [{
    type: "/vm.m_addpkg",
    value: {
      creator: "g1ffzxha57dh0qgv9ma5v393ur0zexfvp6lsjpae", // your Adena address
      deposit: "1ugnot", // amount of ugnot to deposit in the package (enter a blank or an amount above 1 ugnot)
      package: {
        Name: "hello", // package name
        Path: "", // package path (cannot be a duplicate from existing paths on Gnoland)
        Files: [ // a list of files to deploy
            Name: "hello.gno", // file name
            Body: "package hello\n\nfunc Hello() string {\n\treturn \"Hello() called\"\n}\n\nfunc Render() string {\n\treturn \"Render() called\"\n}", //file contents
  gasFee: 1, 
  gasWanted: 2000000

Sample Response

  "code": 0,
  "message": "Sign amino.",
  "type": "SIGN_AMINO",
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "document": {
      "msgs": [
          "type": "/vm.m_addpkg",
          "value": {
            "creator": "g1ffzxha57dh0qgv9ma5v393ur0zexfvp6lsjpae",
            "deposit": "1ugnot",
            "package": {
              "Name": "hello",
              "Path": "",
              "Files": [
                  "Name": "hello.gno",
                  "Body": "package hello\n\nfunc Hello() string {\n\treturn \"Hello() called\"\n}\n\nfunc Render() string {\n\treturn \"Render() called\"\n}"
      "fee": {
        "amount": [
            "amount": "1",
            "denom": "ugnot"
        "gas": "2000000"
      "chain_id": "test3",
      "memo": "",
      "account_number": "656760",
      "sequence": "307"
    "signature": {
      "pub_key": {
        "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
        "value": "A09whvkfsR4pCSEYMMt/do4mD9Zf76Dzs9/kOirITiy0"
      "signature": "YkB/GmmTDIG9LUOoH44OWWeiyrafv6AI4a8AqKWM+KAZlgrFXP7DAmPl1yaR1ec0QfJ9RsTWV80Yn2JhpP/1QQ=="


Sample Request

await adena.Sign({
  messages: [{
    type: "/vm.m_run",
    value: {
      caller: "g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5",
      send: "",
      package: {
        Name: "main",
        Path: "",
        Files: [
            Name: "script.gno",
            Body: "package main\n\nfunc Main() {\n\tprintln(\"HELLO WORLD\")\n}",
  gasFee: 1, 
  gasWanted: 2000000

Sample Response

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "document": {
            "msgs": [
                    "type": "/vm.m_run",
                    "value": {
                        "caller": "g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5",
                        "send": "",
                        "package": {
                            "Name": "main",
                            "Path": "",
                            "Files": [
                                    "Name": "script.gno",
                                    "Body": "package main\n\nfunc Main() {\n\tprintln(\"HELLO WORLD\")\n}"
            "fee": {
                "amount": [
                        "amount": "1",
                        "denom": "ugnot"
                "gas": "2000000"
            "chain_id": "test3",
            "memo": "",
            "account_number": "3223",
            "sequence": "82"
        "signature": {
            "pub_key": {
                "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
                "value": "A+FhNtsXHjLfSJk1lB8FbiL4mGPjc50Kt81J7EKDnJ2y"
            "signature": "MYYWRnJ1OL2Q/QQFy7gzVNs2Rt0YrqWT9na1RnZv0+Qel3VCO01OsSiCqfy6O/In80lzNfPi4a/XeM+wB4JV0Q=="
    "code": 0,
    "message": "Sign Amino",
    "type": "SIGN_AMINO"

Last updated